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Offering One: Intuitive Energy Healing Facilitation

Relax and receive one-on-one meditative healing, curated for your needs. We can focus on a particular area that feels physically, emotionally, or energetically painful, or simply work on aligning your energy centers and providing a sense of overall balance and Peace in the body and mind. I specialize in awakening you to the place in your body where tension is hiding and holding the space for you to release.

In-person, clients can choose hands-off or light touch sessions (mindfully safe with Covid protocol). Distance energy healings and virtual meetings are also available and preferred at this time.

Tools available include ethically foraged and locally grown herbal smoke cleansing, crystal energy balancing, oil diffusion, pendulum work, sound healing, oracle deck card pulls, and communion with Spirit team.

$75 — 60mins

$40 — 30mins

Offering Two: Guided Embodied Movement Consultation

Whether preparing for a moment in front of a group on stage, on camera, on display at work or simply seeking alignment with your body through creative practice, this is the offering for you. Choose to give yourself the gift of time devoted to your creative self.

I have shepherded many performers toward a finished masterpiece and awakened many beginners to their full potential.

Let’s start where we are.

Together we design a program that works for you. My practice is based on the blended techniques of teachers Ruth Zaporah, Alexander, Chekhov, & Linklater techniques.

I also offer group workshops from time to time, reach out for more information.

"Scar tissue from years of repeating ways of being -- perceiving, interpreting, inhabiting our bodies, responding to the changing world -- becomes loosened, relaxed, released, and replaced by conscious embodied experience.

As lively vehicles, these exercises inspire." 

- Ruth Zaporah

A note about payment…

*** I believe that EVERYONE, regardless of their economic circumstances, should have access to healing.

*** With communication, I can work for trade or in a ‘pay what you can’ model.

*** If I travel to you or need to book space, I do require a minimum payment.

*** If your economic circumstance makes it so you can provide more than I have detailed below, your additional contribution helps keep my payscale model alive and helps me help more people.

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About me as a facilitator…

Amanda Spinella (she/they), "Ame", is a queer artist living in Poughkeepsie, NY and has a BFA from Emerson College.

Trained and attuned in Reiki in both Los Angeles, Ca from Jamie Wozny & in the Hudson Valley with Jennifer McMillan, Ame is a lifelong student of the healing and creative arts, often in a workshop series or training program herself.

She currently teaches Improvisation at Beacon Performing Arts Center and Homeroom Beacon. Recently she was the Theater Advisor for Millbrook Middle School as well as the Director for Millbrook High School's Spring Production. Amanda is an artist of everyday life. Studied in Theater and Improv for over 15 years, Ame found their passion for the intersection of art X healing X technology and realized their varying interests and abilities all lead to one purpose. 

Ame believes in the magic of storytelling to transform our lives. Working professionally as a theater maker, filmmaker, event producer, teacher, musician, facilitator of healing, and more, Amanda is a multi-potentialite who will inspire you to breathe life into your passions and release the tension that boxes you in.

Client Testimonials

“The moment my first session with Amanda started, I felt like I was in the presence of a wise old friend. It was a video call with this person I didn't know particularly well, but somehow I was able to slip easefully into the kind of safe, warm, grounded space where real healing becomes possible. This has continued to be the case throughout my work with Amanda. The depth and breadth of their compassionate care, the diversity and specificity of their well-honed skills, their trust in me that helps me trust myself. Amanda is a truly extraordinary healer and person. Plus, they're super funny.”

“Amanda is so incredibly gifted! Her healing powers are truly out of this world. Amanda’s demeanor is also very warm and comforting, which makes you feel relaxed and trusting in the process from the get go. My highest recommendation!”

“I found Amanda's energy work to be comprehensive, insightful, and most importantly to me... very gentle! She is a truly gifted listener. Amanda heard all of my questions and hesitations with patience, and thoughtfully explained to me her practice and approach before we began. I felt so well cared-for during the entire process, and in our discussion at the end I found her observations illuminating. I left with a smile on my face and a lot to chew on. 12/10 do recommend!”

“radiant experience.”

“Challenging within my own parameters”

“Empowering. Transformative. Intimate. Vulnerable. New.”

“fluid, continual, energetic, reflective”

“Curiosity, Expansion, Depth, Fun”

“interesting, whimsical, thought provoking”

“working with amanda on improvisational movement allowed me to explore new ways to experience my body. the workshop gave me tools to relieve stress, be playful, and develop characters. amanda's expertise and encouragement to follow along or defy their suggestions completely created an environment to truly explore my own wants and needs.”

“"I was hoping this workshop would help me get more active from a compassionate approach. I walked away each week with deep insights about myself, new tools to improve my day to day groundedness and embodiment... Over the course of the series I found expansion within my self and in my art. Sooo so greatful! Thank you!”

“This workshop brought me back in touch with the experience of “be-ing” in my body. The freedom to explore was therapeutic in a way that is different from dance classes or sports. I feel gentler for having done it. Softly in tune.”

“Ame provided a space to feel comfortable and free in exploring and play with independent motion. They invited reflective moments and opportunities to make even the most introverted comfortable participating and playing with movement. They provided prompts that were thought provoking and helped to look deeper into present experiences in the body.”

“Ame's class was a well-balanced exploration of movement that felt open to people of all levels, backgrounds, and/or relationship to dance and movement classes. It allowed for a lot of mindfulness in the body that I've noticed has shifted my awareness outside of the workshop and in my own life. I've had a few moments of noticing how a hand movement or posture feels, or when I feel inclined to turn towards something with my body and why. Funny story, the other day I went to flip the bird while driving past a building I felt deserved me flipping the bird, only to then find myself taking my hand and putting it over my heart instead. It was a strange experience that felt directly correlated to the class, and just being aware of how we use our bodies can effect our minds and our healing greatly.”

“I loved this class! I love that this is something Ame cares about enough to share with the community and that there is a place for people to come together and challenge their personal limitations and learned conventions about space and social dynamics. I had so much fun interacting with myself and the other people in the class, and I definitely recommend it!”

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